Tadpole Care Supplies
Supplies to support tadpoles morphing into healthy froglets
Darkwater Extract
Indian Almond Leaf Blackwater Extract By Fritz

Film Canisters (Frog Hides)
The perfect size for dart frog egg deposition sites

Film Canisters w/Suction Cups
Glass-mounted egg & tadpole deposition sites

Indian Almond Leaves
Releases beneficial tannins when submerged for "Tadpole Tea"!

Methylene Blue
An anti-fungal treatment for aquatics

Petri Dishes
Useful when breeding various Amphibian species

Repashy Soilent Green (Tadpole Food)
A top-quality diet for tadpoles & other aufwuchs

Spirulina Algae Powder
A high quality powdered algae, perfect for tadpole rearing

Tadpole Moss
Ready-to-use moss for tadpole development containers

Tetra Freeze Dried Bloodworms
A great supplemental food item for tadpoles aquatic species

Zoo Med Frog + Tadpole Bites
High Protein Pellets For Aquatic Frogs & Tadpoles