Custom Vivarium Background Guide
How to build great looking backgrounds for Vivariums & terrariums
What you'll need to build your own
We stock everything you'll need to get the job done right!
Terrarium / Aquarium Enclosure
Estimated Cure Time: 5-7 Days
Discounted NEHERP Custom Background Kits start at just $22.49!
Step 1: Initial Silicone Layer
This ensures the background will stick well to the glass, and also offers a good way to conceal the foam work from view
Step 2: Foam & Decor
Positioning & mounting all the decor for hardscaping
Pond foam is an alternative option we've seen being used lately. Considering it's about 300% more expensive and gets covered with silicone & background mix anyway, we recommend (and use!) the usual Great Stuff product. Furthermore, in our experience, pond foam expands more than the standard Great Stuff foam, which makes it a little more difficult to work with.