An Aquatic Turtle Diet Offering Complete And Balanced Nutrition That Addresses Most Of The Common Problems Hobbyists Encounter. Developed through extensive research into the habits and habitats of different types of aquatic turtles. This highly balanced diet is meant to keep your aquatic turtles in top form while helping improve water quality, shell structure and resistance to intestinal tract diseases. Hikari Reptile Turtle Sticks contain three distinct colored sticks each with different indispensable nutrients for your aquatic turtle. Each stick is highly digestible and extremely palatable, improving acceptance and assimilation while reducing waste output and associated water quality problems and odors that can result. Best of all, they will not cloud or foul your pet's water. Yellow Sticks are the staple nutrition with the highest quality proteins, minerals and multi-vitamins to promote growth and help keep aquatic turtles in peak condition & health. Green sticks contain lactic acid calcium for improved shell structure while helping to prevent diseases caused by calcium deficiency. Red sticks contain chitosan extracted from crustaceans to activate a turtle's metabolism and make their skin more resilient.
$3.99/ea 1.86oz Bag
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A complete diet for insectivorous species of Reptiles & Amphibians
Repashy Grub Pie is a dietary formula designed for insect-eating animals of all kinds, and has been formulated to be a complete diet, replacing the need for live insects in the diet of omnivores and insectivores. Many insectivores in captivity are raised on a single food source of either crickets, or mealworms (i.e. leopard geckos). While it has been proven that an exclusive diet of supplemented mealworms provides all the necessary nutrition for good health and breeding, we currently recommend that Repashy Grub Pie be fed as part of a balanced diet and not exclusively. Although we have been doing extensive trials over the last two years with great success (even when fed exclusively), it will take more time and research to assert with 100% confidence that Repashy Grub Pie provides a complete diet for insectivores, as an exclusive food source. With further internal trials, and the feedback of Zoos and advanced breeders/hobbyists around the world, we expect that we will soon be able to make this claim with confidence. Grub Pie can be fed as a slurry, paste, or a gel. It can also be mixed into existing gecko diets, or be used as a Gravy / Topper on dry diets.
Repashy Grub Pie features over 75% cold-pressed Black Soldier Fly Larvae Meal (BSFL) with a smell and flavor that incites an almost instinctual feeding response from all kinds of insect-eating animals. Even species that require moving prey and show little interest in freeze-dried insects or pelleted foods currently on the market, have been irresistibly attracted to the smell and taste of Repashy Grub Pie on the first offering. Some individuals of certain species may require “teasing” or training in the first instance to achieve a feeding response and get them to recognize it as a food source. Bearded dragons, leopard geckos, all skinks, fat tail geckos, dwarf monitors, day geckos, giant geckos, turtles of all kinds, and aquatic amphibians typically find Repashy Grub Pie irresistible. The meal also contains a nearly perfect 2:1 calcium to phosphorous ratio. It takes over 1,000 BSFL to make one ounce of Repashy Grub Pie, and one kilo of Repashy Grub Pie contains 35,000 BSFL, which has a superior nutritional density than 50,000 mealworms!
Skeptical that your animal would take to eating Grub Pie easily? Check out Repashy's YouTube playlist for Grub Pie(External Link). There are well over 100 videos of many different species loving the diet. We're really excited to say that our insectivorous species at NEHERP have taken a quick liking to this stuff too, and we agree with Allen Repashy when he called the product, a potentially "Revolutionary ... game changer in the way we raise, breed, and keep reptiles, amphibians, and other insect-eating species". It's still a pretty new product (only released in May 2015), so please shoot us an email with your experience(s) with this product!
Repashy Grassland Grazer
A high quality Tortoise diet
A Low Protein, High Fiber Gel Formula for Leaf, Grass, Flower, and Veggie Eating Species such as Tortoises and Uromastyx. A specialty diet designed for Tortoises and Uromastyx.
Repashy Savory Stew
A great formula for non-fruit eating omnivores
Our meal replacement gel for meat loving omnivorous species of reptiles & amphibians. Great for Turtles, Skinks, Tegus, Bearded Dragons, and more. A "meat and greens" formula for non-fruit eating omnivores.
Repashy Superveggie
A supplement designed for herbivores
An "All-In-One" Herbivore Supplement that provides all essential Vitamins and Minerals for Herbivores such as Tortoises, Iguanas, Uromastyx, as well as Omnivores such as Bearded Dragons (when feeding greens). Featuring both Retinol and Carotenoids as sources of Vitamin A. This product was developed to boost and balance the nutritional value of vegetable diets. When used with every feeding, no additional supplementation is necessary. With omnivores, insects should also be gutloaded with Repashy's SuperLoad and dusted with Repashy's Calcium Plus for maximum nutrition. Sprinkle SuperVeggie over vegetables, or mix 'n shake in a plastic bag/container, or premix with water and use as a dressing.
Zoo Med Tropical Fruit Mix
Tasty add-in flavors for Reptile species
Fresh canned fruits in sauce to be used as a "mix-in" with other prepared diets. Great for Tropical Lizards, Box Turtles, "Forest" type species of Tortoises, Hermit Crabs, Iguanas, Crested Geckos, Day Geckos, etc.
Clearance Price: $0.99/ea Assorted flavors only at this price. We'll do our best to include more than 2 flavors for those who order 2+! :-)